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Letter: Enough with the ‘scare quotes’ https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

I read with “interest” the Aug. 24 “letter” from “Bob Barr” concerning “city planners” and their so-called “plans” for our “city.”

There is much to object to in Mr. Barr’s ill-informed tirade against anything changing at all — his elitist objection to high-density housing at a time when the price and environmental impact of low-density housing makes building more of it borderline criminal, his curmudgeonly objections to bicycle lanes based on nothing but anecdotal evidence at a time when bicycle lanes are badly needed to improve cities’ livability and reduce their carbon footprints, etc. But I wish, instead, to wag a finger at The Tribune for publishing a letter with no fewer than five words in scare quotes.

As an editorial professional, I would quickly dismiss anything so poorly written as to rely on scare quotes to convey meaning. If this is a serious discussion affecting the community, let’s please publish fact-heavy content free of scare quotes and baseless sentiment. We’ll all be the better for it.

Patrick Hadley, Salt Lake City

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from The Salt Lake Tribune https://ift.tt/2EFSpoH
August 31, 2020 at 09:30AM

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